Buying a home can be one of your most significant investments in life. Use the tutorials and information sources below to help you. For further information call or email our buyer's expert, Ken Radtke .


Tutorials and Support Pages For Buyers                   
Click here to Search All Colorado Homes For Sale This is the actual MLS (Multiple Listing Service) driven internet site that allows you to search all colorado listings (not just coldwell banker listings). Homes here will have up-to-date status, whereas other internet sites often are months behind. With other internet sites you'll often see homes that are available, but when you enquire you might find that they've already been sold months ago. But this one will be current and complete.
Home Buying Articles provides detailed information to assist you in making an intelligent and informed decision.
First time home buyer? This HUD article is very informative with common Q&A's from first time buyers.
Mortgage Information. Tutorials, rates, how to prequalify
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Free! Report on 5 strategies for buying the best house for your money.
Please complete the following form for a prompt response. Also use this form if you have questions. 

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Search For Homes                                                       
Featured Listings: Look at our featured listings for fabulous homes allows you to search colorado listings (not just coldwell banker listings) allows searches to a wide variety of homes on the market as well as other homebuying tools
Find your dream home! 
Foreclosures, auctions, other national databases for homes offer great opportunities
Selling or Moving?                                                
$ What's my home worth? Determine the value of your present home to help give you an idea of your home buying potential.
Moving? Learn all about it here
Selling? Information about the selling process, home evaluation, etc
For detailed information on buying a home or property, please complete the form below describing the type of home you are looking for. We will get back to you as quickly as possible with your results!
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Please  tell us what you're looking for
so that we may
help you with your Real Estate needs!

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1. Area Selection:

2. Housing Information:

Price range?
Type of home?
Size of home?
Desired school nearby?
Age of house?
When to purchase?
Need to sell your present home?
Prequalified by a lender?
More information on financing?

3. Contact Information:

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When should I contact you?

What would be the best time(s) to reach you?

4. Please mail me a personalized MLS list of homes in my range. Note: Be sure to fill out below the mailing address information to receive the MLS list!

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